Friends and followers, I have an upcoming video art exhibit at the I AM Logan Square Gallery in collaboration with filmmaker Amir George , curator at The Cinema Culture . Press Release: FROM: I Am Logan Square 773-278-4257 / FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Film Is Dead: Edges of the Digital Frame A Radical Video Exhibition That Celebrates the New Wave of Underground Cinema “Film Is Dead: Edges of The Digital Frame” is a radical video exhibition that celebrates the new wave of underground cinema. Incorporating aspects of video appropriation, off-kilter narratives and culturally conscious video mash-ups, the works of Nelson Carvajal and Amir George represent an underexposed avenue of truly independent filmmaking—one that steers clear of traditional “film school” tropes and textbook rhetoric. Film Is Dead: Edges of the Digital Frame, a video exhibition that celebrates the new wave of underground cinema, will open on Thursday, February 2...
"Liberating film and video from a prehistoric value system" since 2011. This site was founded by Video Artist and Webby Award winner Nelson Carvajal. Contact: